We didn't see the Easter Bunny this holiday ~ but we did enjoy the traditions of the day with awesome music at Immanuel (a full, and I mean FULL orchestra and choir provided worship through various selections of The Messiah; it was awesome), sunny (if not as warm as we might have liked) Missouri weather, a fantastic meal, and a day spent cooking and conversing with Dad in our kitchen (while Mom and Leon goofed around and enjoyed Leon's new PS3).
Mom even managed to provide photos of the "new" dining table ~ which is officially "christened" as of this festive meal!
It wasn't a loud or boisterous Easter. We didn't hunt for eggs or have to wake up at sunrise for church choir (well, Leon did ~ the ubiquitous Youth Easter Breakfast happens even at Immanuel) or because little ones wanted a basket. We can't, of course, wait for such distractions. I suppose you might say we are fond of ~ but ready to long for ~ civilized holiday celebrations. (Remind us of this in a few years ~ God willing ~ when we have to hold our eye lids open with toothpicks and Easter dinner sounds great catered in rather than gourmet prepared ... though I don't think I will EVER relinquish my quality time with Dad as we cook on Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter ... Columbus Day. You know, all the biggies.)
Easter this year kept Leon and I mindful both of what we have lost and what we have gained through Christ. In preparing for my GIRLS' group Passion Week study, I wrote the following during my morning quiet time:
We have been told that God is love. One of the greatest ways God shows His all-consumming love for us is in his promises, which he keeps and remembers always. God demonstrates his great love for us by keeping his promises; and the trust that we find in God and his love enables us to love others.
Passion means first suffering. Then intense, driving, or overmastering feeling or conviction, and finally love.
Passion means first suffering. Then intense, driving, or overmastering feeling or conviction, and finally love.
The sacrifice of the Cross is what saves us to love God and others. It is the central symbol of all humanity; it is the most important element in the Christian life. Only by the Cross can we truly love and trust God with our lives and our passions.
And, I would add, with our hurts and sufferings. Leon and I are ever mindful of this "both and" reality of our lives. Yet, we rejoice! And we are hope-filled!
As Job says, "God gives, God takes. God's name be ever blessed." (Job 1:21).
Blessed and JOYous Easter tidings to you all+
G & L